In the Mass, under the appearance of bread and wine, Jesus Christ is present, whole and entire, living, real, and substantial, as He was born in the stable of Bethlehem, as He died on the Cross, as He reigns in Paradise; in Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity. This was defined by the Council of Trent as taught by Sacred Scriptures. In every Mass Jesus is sacrificed anew on the altar at the hands of the priest, without the actual shedding of blood. Yes, he really sacrifices Himself for us in order to render to God for us the honour due to Him, in order to procure for us by means of our contrition forgiveness of our sins, in order to pay with our co-operation the debts we have contracted with God, in order to obtain for us all graces and blessings; in a word, He sacrifices Himself that He may apply to each one of us the fruits of His Passion and Death. - Taken from 'The Greatest Treasure' by Rev. Joseph L. Chiavarino


At the hour of death the Masses you have heard will be your greatest consolation.

Every Mass will go with you to judgement and plead for your pardon.

At every Mass you can diminish the temporal punishment due to your sins, more or less, according to your fervour.

Assisting devoutly at Mass you render to the Sacred Humanity of Our Lord the greatest homage.

He supplies for many of your negligences and omissions.

He forgives you all the venial sins which you have never confessed.

The power of Satan over you is diminished.

You afford the souls in purgatory the greatest possible relief.

One Mass heard during your life will be of more benefit to you than many heard for you after your death.

You are preserved from many dangers and misfortunes which would otherwise have befallen you.

You shorten your purgatory by every Mass.

Every Mass wins for you a higher degree of glory in Heaven.

You receive the priest's blessing, which Our Lord ratifies in Heaven.

You kneel amidst a multitude of holy angels, who are present at the adorable sacrifice with reverential awe.

You are blessed in your temporal goods and affairs.

Every time we assist at Mass we should, beside our other intentions, offer it in honour of the saint of the day.

When we hear Mass and offer the Holy Sacrifice in honour of any particular saint or angel, thanking God for favours He bestowed on him, we afford him a great degree of honour, joy, and happiness, and draw his special love and protection on us.

- Catholic Quote, Valparaiso, Ne. 68065 

So what is the attraction of this ancient Mass? (Copied from

The reasons for such devotion are many, and may include:

  • * The great reverence of the Mass
  • * The great respect shown the Holy Eucharist
  • * The unquestionable Catholicity and orthodoxy of the Mass
  • * The lack of liturgical abuse, distraction, sacrilege, and profanation (which, unfortunately, are so common to Novus Ordo Masses)
  • * The prayerful atmosphere of the Mass
  • * The beauty and majesty of the Mass
  • * The fuller calendar
  • * The clear sense of the Mass as a sacrifice
  • * The clarity of the doctrine of the Real Presence
  • * The emphasis on our sinfulness and dependence on God 
  • * The safeguards inherent in the Mass
  • * The clear vertical focus of the Mass
  • * And many other reasons... 

Devotees may also point to the Mass' long history, its outstanding fruits, its ability to keep persons safe from modernism ("the synthesis of all heresies"), and the ability of the Mass to foster one's faith. It also preserves a link to our Catholic ancestors.

Furthermore, attendance at 'Tridentine' Masses enables one to avoid the concerns so often associated with the Novus Ordo Mass. For example:

  • * Concern regarding the assistance of Protestant 'advisors' in the fabrication of the Novus Ordo Mass
  • * Concern regarding the parallels between the Novus Ordo Mass and Protestant 'worship services'
  • * Concern that the changes made to the Mass parallel the changes made by the 16th century Protestant 'Reformers' who purposely introduced those changes to destroy the faith of Catholics 
  • * Concern regarding the near elimination of all negative topics in the readings and prayers of the Novus Ordo Mass (e.g. references to sin, judgment, hell, purgatory, etc.)
  • * Concern that the Novus Ordo Mass fails to produce a sacred atmosphere conducive to prayer 
  • * Concern that the Novus Ordo Mass has a more horizontal focus
  • * Concern regarding the blurring of the distinction between the laity and the priest in the Novus Ordo Mass
  • * Concern over rampant liturgical abuse and novelties in the Novus Ordo Mass (e.g. altar girls, Communion in the hand, lay 'ministers', etc.)
  • * Concern over the bad fruits associated with the Novus Ordo Rite of Mass (e.g. reduced Mass attendance, loss of belief in the Real Presence, etc.)
  • * Concern that at the Novus Ordo Mass, one is often unable to kneel, pray, etc. 
  • * Concern that it is often difficult to follow biblical precepts regarding worship in a Novus Ordo Mass [e.g. women's head coverings (1 Cor. 11:4-10), silence of women in church (1 Cor. 14:33-35), worship in reverence and awe (Heb. 12:28), etc.]
  • * Concern regarding the unprecedented fabrication and imposition of a new Mass on the faithful
  • * Etc. 

Some are also troubled by the fact that the Novus Ordo Mass may vary so widely among parishes as to be almost unrecognizable - unlike the 'Tridentine' Mass which remains fixed, with only slight variations (e.g. High Mass vs. Low Mass). Ultimately, many Catholics have come to believe that the Traditional Latin Mass must be more pleasing to God and that it is best suited to our primary duty in life [that is, "to know, love, and serve God" (Baltimore Catechism)].

Catholics who have never experienced a 'Tridentine' Latin Mass may consider the time spent at Mass as a time for "religious entertainment" or socializing. In fact, some even think the "sign of peace" is the focal point of Mass! The cure for such mistaken beliefs surely is knowledge of and attendance at traditional Latin 'Tridentine' Masses, which makes the purpose of the Mass eminently clear. Although such Catholics may initially be perplexed about the silence and majesty of the traditional Latin Mass and might not immediately "get it", a little perseverance and some additional knowledge, prayer, and reflection, may cause them to also flock to the Mass of their grandfathers, regardless of what obstacles may be placed in the way. They may soon find themselves so in love with this Mass - the "Mass of the saints" and "the most beautiful thing this side of heaven" - that they would do just about anything they could to attend it.

We warmly invite you to attend this incomparable Mass and see for yourself what has captured the hearts of so many other good and faithful Catholics over the centuries.